Acupuncture for Women’s Health

A woman’s life is made up of many seasons and change is an intrinsic part of each passing season. Finding balance during and as we transition between these phases of our life can be hard. As a specialist in women’s health, I can support you with symptoms or challenges that you may be experiencing.

By offering a safe, non-judgmental space to discuss your health and well-being in depth and with treatment and lifestyle advice I can help you find balance within your body again at any season of life.

Acupuncture is a safe treatment option to explore with few to no side effects and can help with most common female complaints including:

  • Hormone imbalance e.g., irregular periods, painful periods

  • Fertility and IVF support

  • Symptoms of pregnancy and preparation for labour

  • Gynaecological conditions including Endometriosis

  • Menopause & menopausal symptoms e.g. insomnia, hot flushes, night sweats

Supporting these symptoms by promoting pain relief, reducing inflammation, calming the nervous system, reducing stress, stimulating endorphin production and balancing hormones.

If you wish to discuss this in more detail, please get in touch today.